Riverland 8′ Seating Wall

Riverland seat walls create privacy and define your outdoor living space. Seat walls transform your outdoor living area into something special, adding both flair and functionality. Plus, the easy to estimate lengths make planning your project a breeze.-Necessories

The Riverland Seating Wall is a curved wall.


Riverland 8′ Seating Wall Kit

Wall: 108″W x 8″D x 20″H

(8′ radius) seat wall

Cap Option: 18.5″ W x 12″ D x 2.25″ H

Silver Creek chiseled edge wet cast tops

*See image above for the cap option

Additional information


Santa Fe, Desert, Bluestone


Riverland Seating Wall With Caps, Riverland Seating Wall No Caps

Seating Wall Caps

Silver Creek chiseled edge wet cast tops




Santa Fe